Check Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself! Overview offers consumers the ability to perform Personal Background Checks instantly online. For a nominal cost various background check reports are available to choose from. The Challenge In an extremely competitive industry, had built a substantial consumer base but looked to gain more market share. Attrition…
Affiliate SEM and Social Media Marketing combined
Flaunt Hair Salon embraces the power of Social Media Marketing for Small Business. Overview An established small business of 5 years, Flaunt Salon not only rallied its loyal clientele to “proclaim their beauty”… they did it themselves through Facebook! Having weathered the tough…
As reality TV media darlings, The Kardashian sisters seemed unstoppable in their efforts to expand their growing empire of Brands and roster of product endorsements. In early 2010 the launch of their signature Skincare Line PerfectSkin was set to launch direct to consumer.
Analysis of the Situation
With the vast reach of their personal Brands via Social Media, it was imperative that development and management of Social Media Marketing strategies for PerfectSkin be unique and identifiable. The use of traditional Direct Marketing long and short format TV infomercials, and a “negative opt-out” subscription model, was of specific consideration. The broad reach of their personal Brands needed to be segmented and targeted to focus on skincare consumers.
Affiliate Marketing is the business practice of paying affiliate webmasters a commission for every sale, lead, or new customer that they send to your Website. It can be a very effective Online Marketing strategy, however it is not the cash cow it once was for Marketing Managers or Business owners. The efficiency of Affiliate Marketing…